Yoni Steaming

An Ancient Women’s Healing Ritual

Yoni or Vaginal Steaming, or “Bajos” as it is known in Central and South America, where it originated – is an ancient healing and nurturing practice for women of all ages in order to maintain strong reproductive health.
Traditional Korean healers also use this technique and call it “Chai-Yok”.

Cleansing Mix

Useful to bring on absent menses and to induce cleansing of any old, stagnant fluids, this mix also increases circulation to the reproductive organs and reduces painful menstruation. A gentle cleansing and uplifting formula.
Use for:- long, irregular cycles; scant or absent bleeding; enhancing fertility/preparing for conception; endometriosis; fibroids; adhesions/blocked fallopian tubes; bladder infections.
• Rosemary – increases circulation to the reproductive organs, clears out old, stagnant fluids, antiseptic and purifying, inhibits yeast growth
• Oregano – helps to bring on menses or increase scanty flow, stimulating & strengthening, powerfully antiseptic – protects against infection
• Rose Petals – gently astringent, relaxing and uplifting
• Basil – helps to bring on menses, reduces painful menstruation
• Marigold – induces cleansing, heals wounds, hemorrhoids & scar tissue, anti-inflammatory, uterine tonic
• Lemon Balm – soothes menstrual cramps

All of the herbs are naturally grown without chemicals of any kind. In the case of seasonal unavailability, it may be necessary to substitute any of these herbs with one(s) of similar benefit.

Relaxing Mix

Very relaxing and calming to both the mind and body, this is a blend of soothing and anti-inflammatory herbs to assist with stress, depression, PMS and period pain. It can also help to regulate the menstrual cycle and balance hormones.
Use for:- general reproductive health & vitality; PMS & period pain; vaginal dryness; regulation of menstrual cycle & balancing of hormones; relaxing and calming both body & mind; easing depression & nervous tension.
• Lavender – relaxing to mind and body, anti-spasmodic, healthy uterine function
• Chamomile – anti-inflammatory
• Red Raspberry Leaf – uterine relaxant
• Chaste Tree Berries – relief of PMS & cramps, regulation of hormones and menstrual cycle
• Ladies Mantle – anti-inflammatory, reduction of excessive bleeding
• Mugwort – eases depression and nervous tension

Restoring Mix

A nourishing & rebuilding tonic mix. Soothes inflammation, repairs damaged tissue, heals scars and generally nurtures the reproductive organs.
Use for:- enhancing fertility; PCOS/ovarian cysts; perineal tears, scars & episiotomies; recovery post-childbirth.
• Marigold – induces cleansing, heals wounds & scar tissue, anti-inflammatory, uterine tonic
• Juniper Berries – anti-inflammatory
• Comfrey – anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, strengthens uterus & pelvic floor
• Motherwort – healing for uterine fibroids, polyps, endometriosis. Encourages fertility. Helpful post-childbirth and during menopause. Relief of period pain. Can be useful if experiencing scant bleeding.
• Yarrow – reproductive organ tonic, relief of pain and cramps
• Nettle Leaf – tones & nourishes the uterus, strengthens kidneys & adrenals

How to do a Yoni Steam

A Yoni Steam is carried out by boiling up a combination of specific herbs depending on the health condition being treated. The woman then sits over the steaming herbs (using a custom-made stool with a hole in it, or simply by placing the pot of herbs in the toilet bowl) and, with a blanket or towel wrapped around her lower body, allows the steam to open the pores of the vaginal tissues and carry the medicinal benefits of the plants into the body. Vaginal tissue is extremely absorbent – so this makes yoni steaming an ideal way to absorb the herbs’ healing properties directly into the bloodstream – which in turn has a direct effect on the reproductive system.
Yoni Steaming acts as an internal cleanser of the membranes of the vaginal tissues and uterus. This is considered especially important for stagnant fertility conditions and/or incomplete emptying of menses each cycle. This women’s treatment gently but effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes a woman’s center, providing a myriad benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility and more. Support your natural feminine cycle, help your body to heal, relax, and detoxify both physically and emotionally with a yoni steam.
A summary of benefits that can be achieved via yoni steaming are:-
• Significant reduction of pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.
• Significant reduction of PMS.
• Decrease of menstrual flow as well as reduction of dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses.
• Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles.
• Increased fertility.
• Faster healing and toning of the reproductive system following childbirth.
• Assisting in healing uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.
• Breaking down of reproductive adhesion/scar tissue. Assisting with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar.
• Assisting with the healing of haemorrhoids.
• Treating chronic vaginal/yeast infections and maintaining healthy vaginal odour.
• Relief of menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness or pain during sex.
• Detoxification of the womb/removal of toxins from the body. Release of stored emotions.
• Reconnection with our female bodies and tapping into the sexual energy that is our creative potential.