Yoni Massage Wands

For De-Armouring

Most women have had similar sorts of experiences that have kept us away from fully engaging with and enjoying sex to the kind of transcendent levels that are possible for every woman. Some examples of these negative experiences are:-
• Shame and/or guilt regarding our sexuality/sexual experiences
• Pain or discomfort during sex/unsatisfying sexual experiences
• Toxic intimate relationships
• Sexual abuse
• Crossing of unclear/unstated sexual boundaries
• Invasive medical procedures
• Feeling sexually inadequate
• Having sex simply to “please” our partners
• Premature penetration – having sex before we are ready
• Difficult childbirth
• Miscarriage
• Abortion
When we have experiences such as these, our vaginas automatically “armour” themselves – creating areas of pain or numbness. This “armouring” process is the vagina’s way of protecting itself against any further “invasion” or perceived threat of some kind. And whilst it does indeed offer some sort of protection like this, it also shuts the vagina down from feeling anything at all – including pleasure. So we become numb and disconnected – and shut ourselves off from our sexuality and sensuality – and, thus, from being fully alive.
Fortunately, we have tools and practices to reverse this armouring process, with the most effective one I know being “de-armouring”. On this site, I have already spoken about yoni eggs in depth – and regular use of these will certainly help with the de-armouring process and will most definitely reconnect us to our bodies again in a very gentle, intimate way.
Use of a yoni wand can be even more effective for this process, however – as the length of the wand makes it possible to direct it to more focussed points of the vagina and hold it there – and also makes it far easier to reach the cervix. The cervix is a highly innervated area with 3 major nerves (the hypogastric, pelvic and vagus nerves) ending there – and stimulation of the cervix can lead to expansive, transcendent cervical orgasms. Many women experience pain or numbness in the cervix, however – thus severely limiting their capacity for pleasure, self-empowerment and deep connection.

Benefits of De-Armouring

De-armouring is recommended for you if you would like to:-
Get out of your head and back into your body during sex
• Restore vaginal sensation and greatly increase your capacity for pleasure
• Eliminate pain during sex
• Increase your likelihood of experiencing G-spot and cervical orgasms
• Increase your libido
• Release sexual shame, guilt, anxiety and trauma
• Reconnect to your body, your sexuality and your sensuality
• Increase connection with your partner
Or if you experience any of the following:-
• Hard tissue or small, grain-like lumps along the walls of the vagina
• Numbness or dryness in the vagina
• Contracted, hard vaginal muscles
• Hard and overly-sensitive cervix
• Pain during sex

<b>Rose Quartz</b>
Rose Quartz

<b>Green Aventurine</b>
Green Aventurine


<b>Black Obsidian</b>
Black Obsidian